英語 母音つづり パターン 一覧表

つづり と 発音 の 表記上 の 対応

このページには、つづり の 読みかた と いう こと では なく、英語の それぞれの 母音が どのように 表記 されて いる か と いう 観点 から の 一覧表を のせて あります。つづり と 発音 の 基本的な 対応と、そこ から 逸脱 した 例外を かくにん します。
パターンとして 類推が 有効な ものは 容認 しつつ、無理なく 修正 できそうな ものは 書きなおして しめします。そのような 場合を 《プチつづり字改革》と よぶ こと に します。

--- 短音(Short) 長音(Long)
-A- ă /æ/--- catch, battle, scanner ā /ei/--- case, table, wait, day, they
-E- ĕ /ε/--- set, kettle, better ē /i:/--- eve, leave, meet, meter
-I- ĭ /I/--- kick, little, thinner ī /ai/--- nice, title, night, pie, dye, sky
-O- ŏ /ɑ:|ɔ/--- hot, bottle, pottery, watch ō /oʊ/--- sole, noble, goal, solar, toe
-U- ŭ /∧/--- cut, muddle, sudden, wonder ū /(j)u:/--- use, ruble, cue, new, feudal
-oo- oo /U/--- book, look, wool, cushion oo /u:/--- too, tool, booster, soup, thru

oi|oy /ɔɪ/--- boy, toy, choice, voice
ou|ow/aʊ/--- ouch, out, cow, now
au|aw/ɔ:/--- August, lawn
â /ɑ:/--- father, spa

--- 短音(Short)+R 長音(Long)+R
-A+R- âr /a:r/--- bar, car, part, sharp ār /ε∂r/--- care, air, their, there
-E+R- er/∂r/--- her, nerd, term ēr /I∂r/--- here, gear, steer
-I+R- ir/∂r/--- bird, dirty, first, sir īr /aI∂r/--- fire, hire, wire
-O+R- or /ɔr/--- nor, or, war, door or /ɔr/--- core, more, board, soar
-U+R- ûr /∂r/--- curse, purr, worst ūr /jU∂r/--- cure, pure, fewer, skewer
その他 oor /U∂r/--- poor our /aU∂r/--- hour, sour, power, tower


Short Vowels 「短音」

Short A ---「短音」の a

英音と米音で a の発音が 異なる 場合、ここでは 区別せずに 米音を 優先させています。

"a"(基本)--- cat, happen, passion, saddle, habbit, rabit, tacit, rapid, magic

変則的 --- aunt(米語発音では ant と おなじ 読みかた)


bade === (badd), bade/beId/
draught === draft
guarantee === garantee
guaranty === garanty
laugh === laff
laughter === lafter
plaid === plad
plait === (plat), plait/pleIt/

Short E ---「短音」の e

"e"(基本)--- best, cell, net, pen, kettle, settle, session, settle

変則的な つづり --- any, many, says, said, again, against

friend === frend
heifer === heffer
jeopardy === jeppardy, jepardy
leopard === leppard, lepard

ea を Short E で発音する語。
abreast, ahead, airhead, already, bedstead, bread, breadth, breakfast, breast, breath, cleanliness, cleanse/klenz/, dead, deadline, deadly, deaf, deafen, dealt, death, dread, dreadful, dreadnaught, dreamt, endeavor, farmstead, feather, head, header, heading, headline, headstart, health, healthy, heather, heaven, heavy, homestead, instead, jealous, jealousy, lead/led/, leady, leapt, leather, leaven, meadow, meant, measure, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, pleasure, read/red/, ready, realm, spread, stead, steady, steadfast, stealth, sweat, sweater, thread, threat, threaten, treachery, tread, treadle, treadmill, treasure, unhealthy, unleaded, unsteady, wealth, wealthy, weapon, weather, zealot, zealotry, zealous


Short I ---「短音」の i

"i"(基本)--- hit, hidden, list, mission, little, riddle
"y"(容認)--- gym, hymn, mystery, system

変則的な つづり --- been, breeches(britches)

busy === bisy
pretty === pritty
sieve === siv
(women)===(wimmen, wimmin)

build, guild, guilt などにおける u は発音しない。

Short O ---「短音」の o

"o"(基本パターン) --- hot, shock, top, bottle
"a"(/w/音の直後で)--- quality, watch, what, swan

bureaucracy === burocracy (ただし、"bureau" の "-eau" は維持。)
bureaucrat === burocrat (-eau- は bureaucracy に準ずる。)
cough === coff
trough === troff
yacht === yot

Short U ---「短音」の u

"u"(基本) --- cut, butter, must, shuttle
"o"(容認) --- none, other, some, son
"ou"(変則的)--- country, southern ; cousin(or cuzzen?)


does === dus
doesn't === dusn't

blood === blud
bloody === bluddy
flood === flud
flooding === fludding

enough === enuff
rough === ruff
tough === tuff

couple === cupple
double === dubble
trouble === trubble

touch === tutch (cf. clutch, Dutch, hutch)
young === yung

courage === currage
discourage === discurrage
encourage === encurrage
flourish === flurrish
nourish === nurrish

Long Vowels 「長音」

Long A ---「長音」の a --- a, ai, ay, ey

aCe --- bake, brake, cake, date, fake, game, lake, lane, make, male, mane, name, plane, race, rate, space, spade, stake, tale, tame, wane
aCle --- cable, cradle, gable, maple, stable, table
ai --- bail, chain, fail, gain, jail, mail, main, nail, pain, plain, rain, sail, tail, train ; contain, container, entertain, entertainment, maintain, maintenance ; Haiti, Jamaika, Ukraine
ay --- away, bay, clay, day, gray, hay, lay, may, nay, pay, play, pray, ray, say, slay, stay, sway, tray, way
ey --- they, grey, hey, obey, prey, survey
ei --- beige, feint, geisha, rein, seine ; deign, feign, reign
eigh --- eight, freight, neigh, sleigh, weigh, weight
aigh --- straight

aCCe --- acre, angel, arrange, change, danger, mange, range, strange, stranger, baste, haste, lambaste, paste, taste, waste
e (外来パターン)--- mesa, vega ; attache, cafe, souffle, touche
ee (外来パターン)--- matinee, soiree, toupee, nee
er (外来パターン)--- atelier, dossier, hotelier


break === braik
great === grait
steak === staik
yea === yay

bass === bace, (or baiss?)
gauge === gage, (or gaige?)
thegn === thane

deign, feign, reign の g は 発音しない。

aweigh, eight, eighteen, eighty, freight, freighter, inveigh, neigh, neighbor, sleigh, weigh, weight

straight === strate

Long E ---「長音」の e --- e, ee, ea ; (ストレスのない)-y

eCe --- eve, mete, Pete
ee/eaCle --- eagle, beetle, needle
ee --- bee, deep, feel, free, jeep, keen, keep, knee, meet, need, peel, queen, reel, see, sheep, speed, steel, tree
ea --- beach, deal, each, east, easy, feature, heat, leader, meal, mean, peace, peak, reach, read, seat, tea, team, weak, wreath
ie --- field, shield, wield, yield, achieve, believe, brief, grief, thief ; niece, piece, priest
(ストレスのない)-ie --- cookie, doggie, hippie, newbie, rookie
(ストレスのない)-y --- baby, city, easy, factory, happy, history, hobby, lucky, memory, sissy, tiny, victory
(ストレスのない)-ey --- chimney, hockey, medley
(ストレスのない)-i --- safari, salami, taxi

外来パターン --- "i"(kiosk, police, ski, trio, unique, visa)


ae, oe を e の「長音」で読む場合。
ae(aegis), oe(coelacanth, phoenix)

ei や ie を ee のように読む単語。
ei --- ceiling, deceit, deceive, perceive, receipt, receive, seize
ie --- achieve, belief, shield ; cookie, doggie, hippie

-ey を ee のように読む単語。
-ey --- key ; chimney, hockey, medley

people === peeple, (peple)

Long I ---「長音」の i --- i, -y, -ie, -ye, -igh ; -uy

iCe --- bite, fine, ice, line, nice, price, rice, white
-yCe --- byte, chyme, cyme, rhyme, style, thyme
iCle --- Bible, idle, rifle, title
-yCle --- cycle
-i --- hi, hi-fi, pi, alibi, alkali, Magi, rabbi
-y --- by, cry, dry, fly, fry, my, ply, pry, shy, sky, spy, sty, thy, try
-ie --- die, lie, pie, tie
-ye --- dye, bye, lye, rye
-igh --- high, nigh, sigh, thigh, fight, light, might, night, right, sight, tight
-iCC --- child, mild, wild, bind, blind, find, grind, kind, mind, wind(v.), pint
-uy --- buy, guy
ei --- feisty, kaleidoscope, Poseidon, (Holstein)
aye, eye
特殊外来パターン--- ai --- haiku, aikido

island, isle, islet の s は 発音しない。

aisle === yle
height === hight, hite
sleight === slyte

Long O ---「長音」の o --- o, oa, -oe, oh ; eau

oCe --- hole, home, hope, mode, note, pole, role, rote, vote
oCle --- noble
-o --- go, no, so
oa --- boast, boat, coach, coal, coast, coat, goal, loan, moan, roast, soap, toast
-oe --- doe, foe, roe, toe, woe ; TOEFL, TOEIC
oh --- doh, oh, ohm
oCC(変則的)--- bold, cold, fold, gold, hold, mold, sold, told ; ghost, host, most, post
eau(外来語)--- beau, plateau
au(外来語)--- gauche, haute, au pair

comb === coam
sew /soU/ === soe
sewing === soeing

control === controle
controller === controler
roll === role
scroll === scrole
stroll === strole
troll === trole

ou(soul, shoulder, poultry)
ow(blow, flow, know, slow, throw, window, bowl, own)

cocoa === cocoe
whoa === whoe(?)

保留 --- show(or "sho"?) ; bouquet, brooch


Long U ---「長音」の u --- u, -ue, eu, ew

/ju:/と/u:/の 厳密な 発音上の 区別は ここでは 考慮しない。

uCe --- cute, fuse, mute, use
uCle --- ruble, scruple
-u --- mu, thru, gnu
-ue --- cue, due, hue
eu --- eulogy, feudal
ew --- few, new, stew
変則的 --- Houston ; Hugh, Hughes, Hughie ; impugn
要注意 --- coupon(ou の読みかた2種類)


beautiful === beutiful, butiful
beautify === beutify, butify
beauty === beuty, buty (cf. duty)

bruise === bruse
cruise === cruse
decruit === decrute
fruit === frute
juice === juce
juicy === jucy
nuisance === nusance
recruit === recrute
sluice === sluce
suit === sute
suitable === sutable
(bruit や puisne は 保留。)

view === vew
viewer === vewer
viewpoint === vewpoint
overview === overvew
preview === prevew
review === revew

shoes === shues

Long-OO and Short-OO


Long OO ---「長音」の oo

"oo"(基本)--- boo, boom, boost, food, fool, gloomy, loo, mood, noodle, noon, poodle, pool, room, stool, taboo, tool, zoo
"u", "-ue", "-uCe(容認)--- luge, rue, rule, thru
"ew"(容認)--- crew, screw, shrewd, threw, etc.
外来パターン --- "ou"(acoustic, ghoul, group, rouge, soup)

canoe === canoo
"-ove"(approve, move, improve, prove, remove)


Short OO ---「短音」の oo

"oo" --- book, cook, foot, hood, look, shook, soot, stood, took, wood, wool ; cookie, rookie
"u" --- bull, bush, cushion, full, pull, push, put

特殊例外--- could, should, would
(それぞれ、cood, shood, wood/wud か?)


Other Vowels


"oi"--- broil, coil, coin, foil, join, joint, loin, moist, noise, oil, point, soil, toilet, voice
"oy"--- boy, destroy, employ, joy, oyster, soy, toy



ou --- about, bound, bout, couch, ground, loud, mound, mouse, mouth, ouch, oust, out, proud, round, sound, south
ow --- brow, brown, cow, down, drown, fowl, frown, gown, how, howl, now, plow, pow, powder, towel, vow, vowel
外来パターン --- gaucho, gauss



"au"--- cause, faucet, pause, sauce
"aw"--- awful, crawl, law, straw
"al"--- chalk, talk, walk

"a"+"ll"--- all, ball, call, fall, hall, install, mall, stall, tall, wall

abroad === abraud
broad === braud
broadcast === braudcast
water === wauter


Braud A ---「開口音」の a

"a" --- father, spa
たまに "aa" や "ah" も。
calm, palm, psalm や aunt(英音)にも注意。

Vowels folloed by R 「R付きの母音表記」

ER/IR/UR sound(as in mercy, first, and turn)

er --- certain, concern, derby(AmE), her, jerk, merchant, mercury, nerd, nerve, term, version, verb
ir --- birth, circle, dirty, fir, first, girl, hircine, Kirk, sir, stir, third, thirst, virgin, zircon
ur --- burn, burst, curse, curtain, fur, hurdle, lurk, murmur, nurse, purse, turn, urban, urchin, urn
w の直後の "or" --- word, work, world, worm, worse, worst

"ear"(earn, earnest, heard, learn, research, search)
"our"(journal, sojourn)
attorney === atturney, aturny
colonel === curnel
were === wer


AR sound(as in "car" and "mark")

"ar"--- bar, car, card, dark, mark, market, martial, part, partial, star

are (be動詞)=== ar
aren't === arn't
hearken === harken
heart === hart
hearth === harth

保留 --- "sergeant"などの前半, derby


AIR sound(as in "fair")

"-are"---bare, care, snare
"air"--- fair, pair, stair
保留 --- -eir(heir, their), -ere(there, where)

--- "ear"(bear, swear, wear)
bear --- bair
pear --- (peir)
tear --- tair(verb)
swear --- swair
wear --- wair
forbear --- forbair
forswear --- forswair
outwear --- outwair

aerial === airial
canary === canairy
scarce === scairce


EER sound(as in "beer")

"-ere"--- here, mere, sphere
"ear" --- dear, hear, smear
"eer" --- beer, deer, steer

《プチつづり字改革》 --- weird, weirdo, fierce, pierce, frontier

IRE sound(as in "fire")

"ire"--- fire, hire, ire, mire, quire, sire, tire, wire
-yre --- gyre, lyre, pyre, tyre
容認--- buyer, liar
保留 --- choir

fiery === firey

cryer/crier, dryer/drier, flyer/flier, fryer/frier


OR/ORE sound

"or"--- nor, or, pork, torch
"oar"--- boar, hoarse, roar, soar
"ore"--- bore, core, more, sore
"-aur" --- dinosaur
w 音の直後の"ar" --- war, warm, warn, warp, award, dwarf

pour, course, source ; door, floor ; sword
--- poar, corse, sorce ; dor, flor ; sord

URE sound

"-ure"--- cure, pure
"eur"--- euro
"ewer"--- fewer, skewer


OOR sound

"-oor"--- boor, poor
保留 --- tour, tourist


OUR sound

"our"--- flour, hour, our, sour
"-ower"--- flower, power, shower, tower



フォニックスのルールをふまえて つづりの 書きかたに 一貫性を もたらします。以下は、あくまで 概略です。ここでは、「ルール4つのつづり字改革案」に あてはめてみました。
(1) よぶんな もじを ただしい はつおんが しめせる 範囲内で さくじょ する。(二重子音字の 一重化も ふくまれる。語末の二重子音字は ほとんどそのまま。)-ed, ck, tch, wh などは そのまま。
--- know, hour, whole, wring は no, our, hole, ring と おなじ つづり に なる。acount, baloon, falacius, opose, sucum.
(2) 「短音」を a, e, i, o, u で表記する。直後の子音字は 語中ならば 二重にするが、例外規定も ある。any, many, other, some などは そのまま。
--- hed, hedded, hevvy, mith, pritty, wimmen, burocracy, yot(yacht), cum, cumming, unnion?(onion).
(3) 「長音」は、発音と文字の対応一覧にしたがう。あてはまるものは そのまま。あてはまらないものを修正。
--- gage, grait, rane, hite, slite, soe, peece, peeple, shue, subpeena, yay.
「エイ」--- a-e, ai, ay, eigh, ey
「イー」--- e-e, ee, ea, (e)
「アイ」--- i-e, ie, y, -ye, -uy, -igh
「オウ」--- o-e, o, oe, oa
「ユー」--- u-e, ue, u, ew, eu
(4) f の おと を f の もじ で 表記する。(ただし、ph /f/ は、そのまま。phat, phishing.)
--- coff, enuff, laff, ruff, tuff.

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